Vision Statement

I envision literature created by Nepalese writers residing in Australia, whether composed originally in English or translated into English, being prominently published, showcased, and readily accessible in Australian libraries and bookstores, standing alongside the works of mainstream authors. Every effort and action I undertake for literature is dedicated to realizing this vision.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Nepali Writer and Literature in Australia- My Vision, Plan and Action: Journal 14

16 May - 15 June: Personal Journal 14

Welcome to the fourteenth edition of my monthly journal, dedicated to showcasing and promoting Nepali literature and writers (AB) in line with my vision. I extend a warm invitation to join me on this journey and contribute your invaluable insights to enrich our collective learning and initiatives.

Picture Book Workshop Session 1 - Saturday, 18 May 2024

As a trainer, I facilitated the first online session on Picture Book Writing for both emerging and established writers and illustrators in Nepal as part of the Picture Book Development on Endangered Species project. This is a collaboration between Greenhood and Kathalaya Nepal, aiming to create picture books that raise awareness and advocate for the preservation and protection of endangered animals and species.

The session was attended by Sajani Naubage, Prakash Poudel, Neeti Shrestha, Elisha Ghimire, Ashmita, Binita Buddhacharya, Kushal Shrestha, Krisha Tamrakar, Amit and Jenisha Suman. Special thanks to Rajeev Ji for providing this wonderful opportunity and bringing all the enthusiastic writers, illustrators, and environmentalists into the online room.

Highlighting Nepali Authors in Australia - Friday, 19 May 2024

Continuing my initiative to showcase Nepali heritage writers and their literature in Australia, this month I introduced "A New Dawn," a book by Sydney-based Nepali author Mamata Pant Mishra. I hope you will welcome it as warmly as you have welcomed my previous introductions. Thank you to The DMN News for providing space on your online platform. Please check the link below for the book introduction and remember to share the link on your FB or on social media.  

A New Dawn: Exploring Human Emotions, Relationships, and Second Chances - The DMN News | Breaking News, Live Updates, Analysis from Nepal The DMN News | Breaking News, Live Updates, Analysis from Nepal

International Children’s Literature Conference - Saturday, 25 May 2024

I had the privilege to attend and speak at the second International Children's Literature Conference 2024, organized by the International Nepali Literary Society (INLS) Children's Committee. The conference was organized via Zoom, where over 30 children from countries such as Australia, Japan, Korea, the United States, Canada, Portugal, and Nepal showcased their literary works along with various cultural mantras, Vedic recitations, and other cultural and singing talents.

The speakers at the event included Rohini Sharma, Padam Bishwakarma, Shiva Lamichhane, Govardhan Puja, Sarvajna Wagle, Rajendra Shrestha, Bimala Niraula, Ritadevi Pradhan, Yashoda Adhikari, and Saurav Kiran Shrestha. The conference was held under the chairmanship of Balatara Literature Committee Coordinator Dr. Prakash Poudel. The event was jointly hosted in Nepali by Children's Committee member Arjun Sadaula from Japan, and children Reva Shah from Australia, and Sachin Chapagain and Abhas Aryal from America. Nepal Children's Literature Society President Pramod Pradhan served as the chief guest. The conference concluded with the issuance of a seven-point declaration. For details, please visit the link:

अनेसासको दोस्रो अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय बालसाहित्य सम्मेलन ७ बुँदे घोषणापत्र जारी गर्दै सम्पन्न –

Ghazal Feedback Session - Thursday, 27 May 2024

I spent some time with Nagendar Sharma, who is an enthusiastic and emerging Ghazal writer. As a student of Ghazal writing myself, we discussed our pieces of writing and provided feedback on each other's Ghazals. We felt our friendship growing as we were learning and exchanging ideas together.

A Project - May 2024

I feel privileged and excited to see some of my actions and visions have been materializing with the support of a passionate group of writers, well-wishers, and WestWord. On Wednesday, 22 May 2024, we started a project with an introductory online session followed by a one-day workshop on Saturday, 1 June 2024, at WestWord Parramatta. I have been engaging with the group and prominent writers/speakers to organize and facilitate a series of sessions and workshops and plan the project. I am looking forward to seeing the substantive outcome of this project next year. Best wishes to all who are involved and contributing to this project.

I would like to acknowledge all the participants, speakers, resource persons, and trainers, including Dr. Sabitri Kakshapati, Om Dhungel, Jiva Nath Lamsal, Michael Campbell, and Saman Shad. 

Picture Book Feedback Session - Tuesday, 4 June 2024

I conducted an online feedback session with Neeti Shrestha, an aspiring graphic designer, illustrator, and emerging writer from Nepal. She has already published her illustrations in a few picture books. During the session, I provided critical feedback and suggestions on her project, where she will be both the author and illustrator of a picture book dealing with a sensitive subject. I hope our honest conversation will assist her in shaping a wonderful picture book and advancing her creative journey. Thanks to Rajeev Ji and Kathalaya for arranging this opportunity.

Meeting with Bharat Rai - Sunday, 9 June 2024

I met Bharat Rai at the Max Webber Library, Blacktown. He is an author, playwright, actor, and director. His literary articles have been published in several Nepali literary magazines in Nepal and Australia. During the meeting, he gave me his book "Suruaat" (a collection of short stories). I also shared my vision for promoting Nepali literature and writers in Australia.

We discussed about supporting each other in creative initiatives, exploring possibilities to organize regular meetings and sessions that provide opportunities for authors from diverse cultural backgrounds to come together and share their ideas and experiences. I also provided some information about the initiatives from Blacktown City Libraries that provide similar opportunities. We also thought about starting conversations with the libraries and other interested writers in the near future.

In conclusion, this month has been highly productive and inspiring, marked by meaningful engagements with fellow writers and literary enthusiasts. From facilitating workshops and conferences to providing critical feedback and discussing new projects, each activity has contributed to the collective goal of promoting Nepali literature and supporting emerging talents in Australia. The collaborations and discussions have not only enriched my personal vision but also strengthened the network of writers and literary advocates committed to preserving and advancing our cultural heritage. As I move forward, I am excited to see the outcomes of these initiatives and continue building a vibrant community of creative minds.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Nepali Writer and Literature in Australia- My Vision, Plan and Action: Journal 13

 16 April- 15 May: Personal Journal 13

Welcome to the thirteenth edition of my monthly journal, dedicated to showcasing and promoting Nepali literature and writers (AB) in line with my vision. I extend a warm invitation to join me on this journey and contribute your invaluable insights to enrich our collective learning and initiatives.

Month of Ghazal

This month was predominated by sessions on Ghazal writing and exercises. Therefore, I have collated all the Ghazal related activities within this period under the heading "Month of Ghazal" to make it easy to read. It was satisfactory to see some development in our Ghazal writings, which will eventually reach an audience one day.

1. Ghazal Writing Workshop - Saturday, 27 April 2024 

If I am not mistaken, the first Ghazal Writing Workshop in the heart of Western Sydney at Max Weber Library, Blacktown, was organized. I believe this will kickstart the practice of Ghazal writing among Nepali poets in Western Sydney and inspire others. I would like to sincerely thank the prominent Nepali Ghazalist/poet Gyanu Walker Poudyal for facilitating the workshop. Active participation from all made this workshop interesting and engaging. As we aspired to continue this journey collectively, I look forward to seeing all participants start writing, publishing, or reciting Ghazals/poems in the near future. I believe all of us gained something from his experience, insights, and teachings. We were touched, inspired, and motivated. No doubt, this workshop will successfully promote Nepali literary activities in Western Sydney.


The workshop was attended by Tripura Poudyal, Puspa Lal Acharya, Nanda Bhandari Nimesh, Komal Khatiwada, Nagendra Sharma, Sumitra Rajbhandari, Ratna Thapa, Jit Gopali Ji, Punu Gopali, Rona Gopali, and Saurav Kiran. I am grateful to Gyanu Walker, Puspa Ji, and Blacktown Library for supporting me morally and physically in organizing this successful workshop. 2. Catch Up with Gyanu Walker Poudyal - Saturday, 4 May 2024

Puspa Ji and I visited Gyanu Walker Poudyal at his home in Merrylands to get some feedback on our draft Ghazals. His guidance on my Ghazal writing journey was significant for me. We had tea together and discussed Ghazal. As we left his home, we felt like we had learned something valuable. For me, his presence in Sydney was a blessing.            


3. Ghazal Writing Session - Saturday, 11 May 2024

Following the first Ghazal Writing Workshop, I organized a second workshop with Sydney-based well-known Nepali Ghazalist Jitendra Malla.

It was rainy outside, but six enthusiastic brothers braved the gloomy weather and gathered at my home for the Session led by Jitendra Malla. The engaging session proved helpful in understanding the basic elements of Ghazal as we learned from each other's work, identifying areas for improvement. It inspired us to continue practicing our writing. Our appreciation goes to Jitendra Ji for making time available and sharing his knowledge and skills with us: Puspa Lal Acharya, Nanda Bhandari Nimesh, Komal Khatiwada, Nagendra Sharma, and Saurav Kiran.

4. Ghazal Feedback Session - Thursday, 16 May 2024

After two Ghazal sessions by Gyanu Walker Poudyal and Jitendra Malla, we decided to organize an online Ghazal Feedback Session via Messenger as needed. On 16 May, Komal Ji and Nagendra Ji shared their Ghazals, and others provided constructive feedback. During the process, we honed our skills on some elements of Ghazal writing, like understanding Matala, Kafiya, and fixing some Kafiya dosh. The online session was attended by Nanda, Sumitra, Komal, Jit Ji, Nagendra, and Saurav.

Reunion of Poets and Writers at Austral - Sunday, 28 April 2024

I had the pleasure of witnessing a soulful reunion of poets and writers after periods of social isolation due to the pandemic. The gathering took place at Austral, at the residence of the well-known poet Maheshwar Sharma, based in Sydney.

The informal gathering transformed into a delightful poetic symposium, where enthusiastic poets recited their Ghazals and poems. Personally, this gathering was inspiring and recharging. At the same time, the assurance from Jitendra Malla and Surendra Dawadi to support my literary initiatives motivated me even further.

Prominent Nepali poets and writers like Gyanu Walker Poudyal, Gargi Sharma, Jitendra Malla, Surendra Dawadi, Sanu Prem Jyotsana, Pragya Paneru, Moon Miracle, Tripura Poudel, Tulasa Pande, Shweta Mainali, Bhabana Parajuli, Buddhisagar Dawadi, Thakur Prasad Panth, Asmit C. Regmi, and other poets, presented their mesmerizing and captivating Ghazals, poems, and free verses. I would like to thank Sonam Pandey Sharma for her warm hospitality, which made the gathering feel warm and homely. WWAG (WestWords Alumni Group) 2024 May Session - Sunday, 5 May 2024

The WWAG May Session was successfully organized and attended by Artelle Lenthall, Christine Johnson, and Saurav Shrestha. I would like to thank WestWords and my alumni colleagues for trusting me in my role as the group facilitator. During the session, we all shared our works in progress.

In my turn, I proudly shared my engagement with Australia-based Nepali writers and some of its outcomes. I also shared progress about Nepali Ghazal/poetry and our initiatives for Ghazal workshops/sessions. Additionally, I shared my work on the picture book "My Funniest Mummy" and received group feedback on it. Thanks to Artelle and Christine for your genuine and honest feedback, which I will consider in my work. Featured in Creator and Creation - Monday, 13 May 2024

I felt proud to be featured in the 9th edition of the Creator and Creation series, coordinated by Ramesh Chandra Ghimire and designed by Lokendra Shakya. The aim of the series is to promote and showcase creators/writers in the digital space.

This month has been a significant journey in promoting and nurturing Nepali literature, particularly Ghazal writing. I'm pleased with the progress in our Ghazal writings, which will eventually be shared with an audience. The workshops, feedback sessions, and gatherings have been both inspiring and educational, bringing our community closer together. I am grateful for the support and participation of everyone involved. I look forward to continuing this literary journey with all of you. Your contributions and insights are invaluable as we strive to enrich our collective learning and initiatives.

Nepali Writers and Literature in Australia - My Vision, Plan, and Action: Journal 21

16 January - 15 February 2025 : Personal Journal 21 Welcome to the 21st edition of my monthly journal, dedicated to showcasing and promoting...