Vision Statement

I envision literature created by Nepalese writers residing in Australia, whether composed originally in English or translated into English, being prominently published, showcased, and readily accessible in Australian libraries and bookstores, standing alongside the works of mainstream authors. Every effort and action I undertake for literature is dedicated to realizing this vision.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Nepali Writer and Literature in Australia - My Vision, Plan, and Action: Journal 18

16 September - 15 October: Personal Journal 18

Welcome to the eighteenth edition of my monthly journal, dedicated to showcasing and promoting Australia-based Nepali literature and writers, in alignment with my vision. I warmly invite you to join me on this journey and contribute your invaluable insights to enrich our collective learning and initiatives.

Storytelling Session - Sunday, 22 September 2024

After a long break, I conducted a storytelling session at Sabdamala Nepali Language School, St. Mary. I read two of my stories, Kaichi Babu and Gajjab ko Garjan. Both stories were attentively listened to by 33 students, parents, and teachers. I thoroughly enjoyed the participants' energy and enthusiasm during the session. My sincere thanks to Dipen Baniya and Ritu Khanal Ji for organizing this and inviting me as a storyteller.

Celebrating the 10th Ghazal Mushayara Event - Sunday, 22 September 2024

It was a pleasure to attend the 10th Ghazal Mushayara Event at the Civic Theatre in Hurstville, NSW. During the event, a Ghazal collection titled Ghazal Mushayara Special Edition 2081 was launched, which also highlights the journey of the event since its inception in 2015.

Over 45 Ghazals were recited by 23 poets. The lively and electrifying event was filled with passionate Ghazal lovers and listeners from across Australia. Hearty congratulations to all who have joined the Ghazal movement in Australia and contributed to its successful 10-year milestone. Special thanks to Jitendra Malla for his continued leadership within the Ghazal Mushayara family.

Love Your Bookshop Day - Saturday, 12 October 2024

I attended the Love Your Bookshop Day and The Gift of Imagination: Tips for Young Writers event at Five Senses Seven Hills, a wonderful bookshop. The event was attended by children, parents, and local authors. An anthology of students’ stories, Come Venture with Me, was launched, facilitated and mentored by children’s author Artelle Lenthall.

Some of the children read their stories. Highlights included readings by children’s authors Dannielle Viera and Zoe Alicia Gaetjens, who also shared valuable tips for young writers. Some useful tips were:

  • Just write.
  • Enjoy your writing; if you aren’t, you’re not writing.
  • The first draft isn’t the final draft.
  • You can’t edit a blank page.
  • The best writing happens when you allow others' ideas to influence you.
  • Allow feedback in your writing.
  • Read a book more than once: the first time for enjoyment and the second for analysis.
  • If you like writing, attend events like this.
  • Read, read, and read some more.

I would like to congratulate Artelle Lenthall for her inspiring work and this successful event.

Nepali Writers in Australia - Online Page

I am planning to create an online page titled Nepali Writers in Australia (working title) in 2025. The page will compile profiles of Australia based Nepali-origin writers and authors who share Nepali culture and language. It will include writers' brief literary biodata, their aspirations, and a list of their publications. I believe such a database will be valuable for research and for promoting Nepali literature, books, and writers in Australia and other parts of the world.

As I reflect on this month, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and motivation. My involvement in these events reaffirms my commitment to supporting and promoting Nepali literature in Australia. Moving forward, I am determined to continue these efforts and expand on them, particularly through the creation of the online page, which I believe will be an important resource for both readers and researchers. I am excited about the journey ahead and look forward to contributing further to the literary landscape here in Australia.

Nepali Writers and Literature in Australia - My Vision, Plan, and Action: Journal 21

16 January - 15 February 2025 : Personal Journal 21 Welcome to the 21st edition of my monthly journal, dedicated to showcasing and promoting...